Episode 20 - Jivana Heyman - Shaking the World in a Gentle Way
Episode 20: Jivana Heyman - Shaking the World in a Gentle Way
If you’ve ever thought that accessible yoga was all about tailoring the practice for older or less “able bodied” folks, you’re gonna wanna listen to this one. Maria and Chara talk with Jivana Heyman, teacher, activist and founder of Accessible Yoga. And in this conversation we learn why all yoga teachers have a responsibility to make yoga accessible and what that means we need to do both on the mat and off. Jivana shares what decades as an activist have taught him about people and pandemics and he leaves us with some deep questions that have changed how we think about and share the practice of yoga.
In this episode we talked about
How online teaching supports accessibility.
The overlap of epidemics, accessibility and social justice movements
How can we take the philosophical teachings of yoga out of the academic realm and make them more practical and accessible.
When social justice feels overwhelming, how yoga helps us identify what we can do.
What is the practice of service?
How yoga teachers can help their students to come into a place of safety and belonging to access the practices of yoga
What it means to create safety and accessibility as yoga teachers
Why svadhyaya is how we make anything into yoga
How you can tell you are doing your practice.
Why self care is service to yourself
The first online version of the Accessible Yoga Training: https://www.accessibleyogatraining.com/courses
Jivana’s book Accessible Yoga
Embodying the Yoga Sutras Book by David Charlton and Ranju Roy Here's the podcast we did with them
Michelle Cassandra Johnson. Her book Skill in Action. The podcast we did with her.
Elements of Yoga: Ayurveda for Yoga Teachers & Students w/ Chara Caruthers
Round about now, if you’re like anyone (or everyone) you’re thinking about the promises you’ll make to yourself and the many ways you’ll change your habits and behaviours in 2023.