Episode 44 - The Nature of Consciousness with Michael de Manincor
A deep dive into the nature of consciousness, supported by the yoga sutras and our experience of everyday life! Michael de Manincor returns to the podcast to share wisdom and insights into the most challenging questions of our existence. In this brilliant conversation we wonder about unanswerable questions and how asking them can change who and how we are forever!
Resources & Mentions
The Yoga Institute - https://yogainstitute.com.au/

In this fun meeting of the minds, Chara and Michelle Boulé discuss what has led Michelle to where she is today. With Michelle being a dancer, Chara was curious about the connections between how she moves, lives in her body, how she is in the world, and how that translates to how she supports others in breaking through the things that hold them back.
Who doesn’t love a story of embracing change and seeing where it will take you? In this conversation between Chara and long-time yoga teacher, trainer and mentor Julie Smerdon, we hear the story of how Julie came to yoga, or how yoga came to her.
What are the most important synergies between yoga and psychology? Chara speaks with Dr. Lauren Tober about her evolution as a yoga teacher and psychologist and how that has been informed by the ways that yoga and modern-day psychology have slowly moved toward each other over the course of the last couple of decades.
The honest, fresh and activating energy of Reggie Hubbard shines through as he speaks with Chara about his passion for yoga, politics and activism. They dive into his background, ambitions and what motivates him.
Bronnie Ware shares with Chara some beautiful and inspiring lessons she has experienced.
A discuss of the many fibers that make up who we are in this moment and what the process looks like in getting to know yourself.
In this episode we explore a view on the elements of living like we love ourselves that provide a context for this season of conversations and sharing.
In this brilliant conversation we wonder about unanswerable questions and how asking them can change who and how we are forever!

Freelance Web & Graphic Designer
Recently I began taking inventory of my life, recognizing the shifts I could make to lessen my personal consumption and impact. Since we spend a quarter of our lives working, that was certainly an area demanding attention. So I left retail and begin my career freelancing for small businesses whose higher purpose transcends profit.
I believe in employing my skills and energy to empower others working to create positive change in our world. I support too-swamped entrepreneurs by breathing life into their brands and websites, allowing them to focus on the important work at hand. At the same time, I get to nurture my own entrepreneurial spirit while being creative and building truly meaningful relationships throughout my community.
I strive to inform, delight and inspire by balancing content with design. I consider the details without losing sight of the big picture. I aim to see around corners while staying focused on the moment. I'm self directed but have over a decade of experience successfully working with teams. And while I've surely got bills to pay, I know it's my social responsibility to be selective about where I put my energy.
Round about now, if you’re like anyone (or everyone) you’re thinking about the promises you’ll make to yourself and the many ways you’ll change your habits and behaviours in 2023.