Episode 38 - On Yoga and Body Image with Janet Lowndes
Episode 38 - On Yoga and Body Image with Janet Lowndes
How can yoga support us in improving our relationship with our bodies? This was the question that we explored with psychologist and yoga therapist Janet Lowndes, a dear friend of Lucy’s and a woman who is doing amazing things in the world. Her Melbourne, Australia based practice assists people with eating disorders and body image challenges. So we talk about the part that yoga plays in creating and solving this problem in our modern world! Fabulous conversation. The first of Season two!!
Janet Lowndes is Founding Director and Principal Psychologist at Mind Body Well, a private practice in Melbourne providing outpatient therapies for people with Eating Disorders and concerns about eating behaviours, body image and wellbeing - from a Non-Diet, Health at Every Size® perspective.
Her approach is one which emphasises wellbeing rather than weight, focusing on embodied self compassion and interoceptive awareness. She believes that Yoga is an act of embodied liberation, and she encourages yoga teachers and therapists to provide weight inclusive spaces which celebrate the wonderful diversity of bodies and minds.
Resources & Mentions
Web - www.mindbodywell.com.au
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/JanetLowndesPage
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/janetlowndes.therapist/
Round about now, if you’re like anyone (or everyone) you’re thinking about the promises you’ll make to yourself and the many ways you’ll change your habits and behaviours in 2023.