Episode 6 - Eating like you love yourself: The ancient approach to a healthy diet

Episode 6 - Eating like you love yourself: The ancient approach to a healthy diet

Maria and Chara talk about the Ayurvedic approach to healthy eating along with Chara's book on the subject.

We explore:

  • Why Chara wrote her book after initially resisting the pull to focus her Ayurvedic teaching around food

  • How organising the book in seasons allowed Chara to address both the Ayurvedic approach to food and the application of ayurvedic Principles to people’s daily life

  • How the sister sciences of Ayurveda and yoga differ in their intentions and approaches to eating.

Show Notes:


  • How the oversimplification, “eat for your type” or “eating for your dosha” doesn’t give people enough information to be really useful and apply ayurveda to daily living life.

  • The central theme of Chara’s application of Ayurvedic principles is the emphasis on intuitive non-restrictive eating, but how do we develop the ability to trust ourselves to individualise our diets

  • We review how every person and everything has certain qualities, and that we want to use the things and foods in our life to bring our qualities into balance. See episode 3 on Ayurveda for more detail: https://www.blissbodyandsoul.com/podcast/.


  • We use the example of Kale to explore how a person’s qualities meet a food’s qualities, and how, if the rough dry qualities of kale don’t agree with you, you can prepare it is a way that will yield its nourishment in a way that work for you.


  • How do you cultivate the fire inside?

    1. When should we eat?

    2. What is “eating in a minefield?”

    3. Why we eat? And how that affects the fire inside.

    4. What we eat and how it affects the digestive fire


  • Tuning into the strength of our digestive fire when making choices about what and when to eat.

    1. Juicy hungry versus “hangry”

    2. Chara’s thoughts on meal planning.


  • What does Ayurveda say about snacking?


  • Three rules for eating like you love yourself:

    • Eat seasonally

    • Keep your fire burning

    • Choose balance


  • We talk about weight: how thinking about losing weight or being a right weight is not helpful and constructive. How our cultural messages about what healthy is are not useful for most people to eat like they love themselves.

    1. How harmonising the when, what, how and why we eat helps.

    2. How the messages from the world around us can interfere with tuning into how to eat and be in a body in a way that is right for you as an individual?

    3. How the goal for healthy is about connecting to and coming back to your true nature.

    4. How to find what is truly nourishing for you?

    5. How the accessible yoga movement and the body positive movement has broadened available images of what healthy and well can look like.

    6. How Chara is trying to change the paradigm of what healthy looks and feels like with the concept of eating like you love yourself.


Eat like You Love Yourself book by Chara Caruthers:


Trigger warning on body image and weight

Yoga is Dead Podcast: Vegans killed yoga episode 5: Resources page:


Bea Rue

Freelance Web & Graphic Designer

Recently I began taking inventory of my life, recognizing the shifts I could make to lessen my personal consumption and impact. Since we spend a quarter of our lives working, that was certainly an area demanding attention. So I left retail and begin my career freelancing for small businesses whose higher purpose transcends profit.

I believe in employing my skills and energy to empower others working to create positive change in our world. I support too-swamped entrepreneurs by breathing life into their brands and websites, allowing them to focus on the important work at hand. At the same time, I get to nurture my own entrepreneurial spirit while being creative and building truly meaningful relationships throughout my community.

I strive to inform, delight and inspire by balancing content with design. I consider the details without losing sight of the big picture. I aim to see around corners while staying focused on the moment. I'm self directed but have over a decade of experience successfully working with teams. And while I've surely got bills to pay, I know it's my social responsibility to be selective about where I put my energy.


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