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Wisdom & tools to expand your mind, practice & community

Blog Bea Rue Blog Bea Rue

Season Shifting and the Big “O”!

Taking care of yourself year-round really does start with a simple awareness of what’s happening around you and how it affects you. So start here to create a powerful approach to the change of seasons that will leave you feeling strong, healthy, and energized from season to season!

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Blog Bea Rue Blog Bea Rue

Using the power of essential oils this Spring!

The use of essential oils can help us re-ignite our deepest and most natural senses. Healing our bodies and our minds will allow for more harmony and balance in our daily lives. For many of us, that’s just enough to create a happier and healthier life!

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Blog Bea Rue Blog Bea Rue

A 3-step plan for seamless season shifting

The seasons definitely know how to consume our thoughts and behaviours. I mean who doesn’t look forward to the summer, get nostalgic about the spring and fall or associate the winter with some favorite holiday, activity, or sporting event?

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Listener Love…


…Thanks for your amazing podcasts.  Thank you for sharing these fabulous people with the world.  I never would have come across so many people I continue to read about if not for you and your podcast. I need to catch up on some of the ones I have missed, but suffice it to say, they have all been amazing and such a wonderful way to spend an hour or so.


I have been listening to your podcast for quite a while and I appreciate the authentic, deep and curious conversations a lot, especially the fact that they look way deeper than the surface and current yoga trends. My impression is you are looking for "the real thing", I like that a lot.


  Simple powerful tools for living & Sharing your yoga!